
A Publication in Nature with TransGen product by Peking University

Time:2021-08-12 15:38:58 View:

Cell growth is precisely regulated by various nutritional environment and growth factors. Proteins are the most abundant macromolecular substances in cells, with amino acids as their metabolic substrates, participating in physiological processes such as the synthesis of cellular proteins. At the same time, amino acids as key signal molecules have also attracted more and more attention in the regulation of various pathophysiological processes in the body. In recent years, nutrition sensing and its pathophysiological significance were gradually noticed. Because amino acids play a core role in cell growth, amino acid sensing is particularly crucial. As the core sensor of amino acids, mTORC1 has received particular attention. The precise sensing of amino acids in cells is essential for the normal function of mTORC1.

A Publication in Nature with TransGen product by Peking University

Liu Ying’s team is from the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Peking University Future Institute of Technology, Peking University-Tsinghua Life Sciences Joint Center, and Beijing Future Gene Diagnosis Advanced Innovation Center. The team published a research paper entitled “SAR1B senses leucine levels to regulate mTORC1 signaling” in Nature on July 21, 2021. This research reported that SAR1B regulated mTORC1 signaling in response to intracellular levels of leucine, as a conserved leucine sensor that has a potential role in lung cancer.

A Publication in Nature with TransGen product by Peking University

Leucine sensing mechanism. (a) SAR1B binds leucine in vitro. (b) Leucine binding induces a conformational change of SAR1B. (c) SAR1B regulates mTORC1 signalling in a GATOR2-dependent manner. (d) Schematic of SAR1B–GATOR2 interaction and mTORC1 regulation in response to leucine signals.

TransScript® One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (AT311)contributed to this research. As an RT-PCR product, it helps a lot in RNA analysis.


Features of the product:

●  Simultaneous genomic DNA removal and cDNA synthesis in one tube to minimize RNA contamination.

●  15 minutes reaction for qPCR-ready cDNA templates; 30 minutes reaction for PCR-ready cDNA templates.

●  After the reaction, RT/RI and gDNA Remover inactivated at the same time. Compared with the traditional method of pretreating RNA with DNase I, it avoids the damage RNA caused by heat-inactivated DNase I after treatment.

●  Easy to operate.

●  cDNA up to 12 kb.

A Publication in Nature with TransGen product by Peking University

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