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EasyScript® All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal)

Product Details

EasyScript® All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR provides all the necessary reagents for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA (including 5×EasyScript® RT, RNase Inhibitor, Anchored Oligo (dT)18 Primer, Random Primer (N9), dNTPs, Buffer). It is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by only adding gDNA remover, RNA template and H2O for efficient first-strand cDNA synthesis. Simultaneously, residual genomic DNA from RNA template can be removed. 5×EasyScript® All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix for qPCR is supplied to prepare no-reverse transcriptase (RT) control, which is used to assess if the qPCR template is contaminated with genomic DNA. This product is capable of minimizing contamination during operation with a simple workflow. The resulting cDNA is only suitable for qPCR, not for regular PCR.


• “All-in-One SuperMix” type: Simultaneous cDNA synthesis and genomic DNA removal by only adding gDNA remover, RNA template and H2O

• High synthesis efficiency enabled by optimal ratio of Oligo(dT)18 Primer to Random Primer (N9) and optimized composition of the SuperMix, ensuring same reverse transcription efficiency for RNA templates of different concentrations and specifically high synthesis efficiency for short cDNA.

• Only 15 minutes for reverse transcription.

• High compatibility with qPCR reagents.

High-copy-number and low-copy number gene detection

at -20 ℃ for two years

Dry ice (-70 ℃)

Product Contents

ComponentAE341-02 (100 rxns)AE341-03 (500 rxns)
EasyScript® All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR400 μl5×400 μl
EasyScript® All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix for qPCR40 μl200 μl
gDNA Remover100 μl5×100 μl
Nuclease-free Water2×1 ml2×5 ml

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