ProteinExt® Mammalian Mitochondria Isolation Kit for Tissue provides a fast and efficient isolation of mitochondria from tissues
with simple procedure. This kit provides two options for the separation of mitochondria from cytosolic components: a
reagent-based method or homogenization-based method. Reagent-based method uses a mild procedure to process single or multiple
samples. The isolated mitochondria is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including protein analysis, apoptosis,
signal transduction and metabolic assays.
ProteinExtTM Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-free (100×)and MSB at -20℃ for one year; Others at 2-8℃ for one year.
ProteinExtTM Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-free (100×) and MSB on dry ice (-70℃); Others on ice bag (4℃).