
Nature Citation of TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

Time:2020-10-14 14:04:14 View:

It is joyfully announced that one of TransGen superior products-TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Cat. No. FM311) has been cited by a Nature article from Harvard Medical School (Xu, Daichao, et al., 2020). The article says: “The cells were tested every two months using a TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Cat. No. FM311) to ensure that they were mycoplasma-free.


The advantages of TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

This kit is based on PCR detection of 16S rRNA molecules of the most common species of mycoplasma contaminating cell cultures, which is an approved method with high sensitivity. It possesses the following advantages:

• High sensitivity: Able to detect as low as 20 copies of mycoplasma genome.

• High specificity: Only detect mycoplasma DNA, not eukaryotic and bacterial DNA.

• Easy to use: No need to extract genomic DNA, suitable for the detection of large–volume cell samples.

• Positive and negative control included: Ensure reliability and accuracy of the results.


Comprehensive Mycoplasma Contamination Solutions

To overcome the troubles brought by mycoplasma contamination, besides PCR based detection kit, TransGen also provides luciferase-based mycoplasma detection, and antibiotics-based prevention and elimination kits. Learn more about Mycoplasma Solutions


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