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EasyPure® Microbiome DNA Isolation Kit

Product Details

The kit is designed for the isolation and purification of host and microbial genomic DNA from biological samples such as blood, alveolar lavage fluid, liquefied sputum, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, pleural ascites, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, etc. Microbial DNA is specifically bound to silica-based column, and the purified DNA is fully compatible with a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, metagenomic or 16S rDNA library construction.

The kit can be used with TransNGS®Host DNA Depletion Kit (EH301) to remove host nucleic acids.


BOX 1:at 4°C for one year

BOX 2:at 15-25°C for one year


ice bag (4℃)

Product Contents

ComponentEE401-01 (50 rxns)
BOX 1EasyPure DNA Columns with Collection Tubes50
BOX 2Proteinase K (20 mg/ml)700 μl×3
Lysis Buffer 47(LB 47)23 ml
Binding Buffer 47(BB 47)12 ml
Clean Buffer 47(CB 47)15 ml
Wash Buffer 47(WB 47)8 ml
Elution Buffer(EB)6 ml
1×PBS10 ml
Lysis Tube50
Elution Tube(1.5 ml)50

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