
Genomic DNA Purification
  • EE112.jpg

EasyPure® Universal Plant Genomic DNA Kit

Product Details

The kit is designed for the isolation of genomic DNA from various fresh and dried plant samples, including plant samples rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols. The kit is based on unique extraction system and membrane technology to specifically remove secondary metabolites such as polysaccharides, polyphenols, and lipids in samples, without the need for toxic reagents such as phenol and chloroform. Purified DNA with high quality and good stability can be used for enzyme digestion, PCR, Southern Blot, etc.


at room temperature (15°C-25°C) in a dry place for one year.


at room temperature.

Product Contents

ComponentEE112-01 (50 rxns)EE112-02 (200 rxns)
Lysis Buffer 49 (LB49)42 ml162 ml
Precipitation Buffer 49 (PB49)12 ml42 ml
RNase A2×1.1 ml2×4.2 ml
Clean Buffer 49 (CB49 )13 ml52 ml
Wash Buffer 49 (WB49 )12 ml2×22 ml
Elution Buffer(EB )15 ml60 ml
Filtration Columns with Collection Tubes50200
Genomic Spin Column with Collection Tubes50200

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