
New Distributor of TransGen in Poland

Time:2021-06-23 10:48:56 View:

We are glad to announce the signing of new distributor MEDianus in Poland!

New Distributor of TransGen in Poland

MEDianus is a company located in Cracow, which is a famous city with a long history. It was the capital city of Poland from 1320 to 1609. It is an important economic center as the biggest industry city in Southern Poland. It has always been one of the main centers of Polish academics, so there are a lot of universities and companies in life science research.


MEDianus company is a distibutor in Poland for many leading biotechnological companies all over the world. They offer a variety of high quality reagents for cell separation, cell culture, extensive range of monoclonal antibodies for flow cytometry, ELISA kits and more. The customers of the company come from research and clinical institutes in Poland, such as Medical Academies, Universities, Oncological Centers, Hospitals and Cord Blood Banks.



Distributor information:

Address: 30-499 Cracow, Opatkowicka 10a/6, Cracow, Poland

Tel:(+48) 12 665 31 31



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