
Feedback Rewards! We Want to Hear from You!

Time:2019-09-06 14:27:53 View:

Every response from our customers is a drive for better products and service. Your opinion is extremely important to us. We need your help to become the best-in-class bio-reagent supplier!

Just take a few minutes to send us your feedback or comments, and we’ll take actions accordingly.We can’t wait to show you the influence you make!

You will be awarded a TransNotebook and a TransPen once your feedback is accepted. The offer is valid from 1st Sept till 31st Dec, 2019.


TransNotebook & TransPen

We look forward to hearing from you! Please contact us via online message, email (, phone or your local representative.

Terms & Conditions

1.Feedback Reward is valid only for end users contacting through local authorized distributors or TransGen Biotech.
2.TransGen Biotech reserves the right to amend privileges, terms and conditions without prior notice.
3.Feedback Reward is valid for international customers, excluding P.R. China.

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