
Back to School Promotion

Time:2019-08-26 14:25:46 View:

With the beginning of a new semester, we will embark on a new journey. To pioneer at the frontier of life science research, cell biology is also our core product portfolio. Our “Back to School Promotion” offers 20% off discount specially on the following cell biology products. Boost your project, while save your pocket.

TransDetect® Cell Counting Kit (CCK)-FC101

TransDetect® Annexin V-FITC/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit-FA101
TransDetect® Annexin V-EGFP/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit-FA111
TransDetect® In Situ Fluorescein TUNEL Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit-FA201

TransIntro EL Transfection Reagent-FT201
TransIntro PL Transfection Reagent-FT301

TransDetect® Luciferase Mycoplasma Detection Kit-FM301
TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit-FM311
TransSafe Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent (TransMyco-1+2)-FM401 
TransSafe Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent (TransMyco-3)-FM411 
TransSafe Mycoplasma Prevention Reagent-FM501

Experiment with your heart and live a good life. Every day when cells grow, you're making progress.

Terms and Conditions

1.  Promotion is applied to orders received from 1st Sept to 30th Sept 2019.

2.  Promotion is valid for both end user and distributor purchases.

3.  Promotion does not apply to P.R. China market.

4.  TransGen Biotech reserves the right to amend privileges, terms and conditions without prior notice.

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